Each volume of Initiatives is accredited for 2.0 CRCEs
Please go to www.saxetesting.com/init to receive your certificates.
Please note the CE/CRCEs for all activities listed on this page are still current. (If you see expired dates on some of these activities, it is because these were the original expiration dates when first published. They have since been renewed) After downloading and reading the article, please go to www.saxetesting.com/init to take the test and download your certificate.
Initiatives 1
Postoperative Respiratory Depression and Opioids
Frank J. Overdyk, MSEE, MD
Panel Discussion: Challenges in the Prevention of Postoperative Resiratory Depression and Opioid Therapy
Moderator: Frank Overdyk, MD
Initiatives 2
Clinical Alarms and the Impact on Patient Safety
By Maria Cvach MS, RN, CCRN, Deborah Dang, PhD, RN, NEA BC, Jan Foster, PhD, APRN, CNS, and Janice Irechukwu, BSN, RN, MSN (c)
Panel Discussion: Clinical Alarms: Where are we today? What more can be done?
Moderator: Thomas Aherns DNS, RN, CCNS, FAAN
Initiatives 3
In-Hospital Resuscitation: Early Intervention and Rescue
Interview with Elizabeth Hunt, MD, MPH, PhD
Panel Discussion: Rapid Response Systems: Consensus and Controversy
Moderator: Michael DeVita MD
Initiatives 5
T. Allen Merritt, MD, MHA and Jan Mazela, MD, PhD
Steps Towards a More Rational Use of Supplemental Oxygen: Lessons from the Experts (CME, CNE, CRCE)
Special Panel Discussion
Oxygen Toxicity in the Preterm: The Role of Pulse Oximetry